Helping Your Child Succeed In Preschool: What You Can Do At Home

When your child reaches preschool age, you are filled with a combination of pride, excitement, and sadness that your little one is growing up so fast. But at the same time, you want to help ensure that they have the best experience possible in a preschool like the Family Ties Child Center and are well-prepared for their educational and academic future. While you do not necessarily have control over lessons and skills taught when your child is in their preschool classroom, there are steps that you can take at home to ensure that your child is well on their way to success in their preschool program and beyond. All you need to do is learn what you can do and get started as soon as possible. 

Read Books With Your Child Every Day

Many parents today, yourself likely included, work all day and have highly hectic and exhausting schedules. This means that at the end of the day you just want to unwind and relax. Unfortunately, this often means that children are left to entertain themselves, usually with video games and television. 

While there is nothing inherently wrong with children enjoying such leisure activities every once in a while, they do little for your child's development and education. So, one of the best ways to help ensure that your child has an academic and even a social advantage in preschool is to read books with your child every night.

Reading books together will help teach your children to read faster than other students who do not read at home, will help teach them important lessons both academic and social (depending on the stories you choose to read together), and will spark creativity and imagination. So, do not underestimate the importance of bedtime stories for your child. 

Plan Learning Activities With Your Child

Providing your child with a variety of fun and educational activities at home will help to ensure that they have the best possible start to their academic career. And it will teach them that learning does not have to be boring or only done in a classroom. 

For example, take your child to the local children's museum, nature preserve, zoo, or the like when they have planned activities for children. Your child will be able to engage in interactive lessons that are not necessarily possible in their preschool classroom, while socializing and interacting with other children. 

At home, you can teach your child a science lesson by helping them build a "volcano" using vinegar and baking soda as the lava (add in a little food coloring for a more realistic effect). Or, you could even teach them about the science of colors by helping them mix paints to find out what color different combinations make. The possibilities are endless, as long as you are engaged in the activity with your child and guide them in the learning process.

If you take an active role in your child's education at home, you will be able to help them succeed not only in their preschool programs but in their academic career for many years to come. So, get started right away to ensure your child has the best start possible in their academic career. 
